Moonbase Alpha Wiki


Assigned to Alpha on 1 May 1999, for his tenth tour of duty, David is a most remarkable individual who almost never fails to amaze his fellow Alphans. His expertise and rapport with computers is uncanny. This ability is the sum total of several decades of experience dating from the years he spent watching his computer-expert father. The operation and maintenance of huge multi-operational machines became almost natural from that point on. His life-long dedication to the science took hold after he survived an experiment to link a man's brain with a computer. Two men became vegetables--their minds wiped clean.[N 2] David Kano managed to leave the experience with a heightened sensitivity to these "mechanical brains." Occassionally he's seen talking to the female-voiced Moonbase master computer as if it were a living woman, but what seems to be a wildly unnatural affection between man and machine is actually a well-earned feeling of respect.[2]

Kano is the computer expert (replacing Benjamin Ouma in Breakaway). He addresses the computer as "she", and is defensive of others criticising computer errors: Black Sun, Guardian Of Piri, The Last Sunset, The Testament Of Arkadia. An Eagle pilot in The Full Circle. He takes Paul Morrow's seat in The Last Sunset and he assumes command in Mission Of The Darians.

In the early episodes, he is normally stood by the computer wall in Main Mission. In Missing Link he gained his own desk, on a rotating pedestal. It is the only desk, apart from Koenig's, with a screen (never seen in action).

Kano's other interests include chess, which he has programmed computer to play: he plays Mathias in Black Sun and Koenig in Dragon's Domain. He reveals a temper in Missing Link.[1]

ATAP Copy[]

In Another Time, Another Place, his counterpart is one of the inhabitants of the Santa Maria settlement. He and Paul's counterpart approach Koenig's landing party with stun guns drawn.

Episodes featuring David Kano[]

Production Transmission[3] Chronology[4]
Force of Life
(11 September 1975)
Collision Course
(18 September 1975)
Black Sun
War Games
(25 September 1975)
Missing Link
Death's Other Dominion
(2 October 1975)
Voyager's Return
Voyager's Return
(9 October 1975)
Matter of Life and Death
Alpha Child
(16 October 1975)
Ring Around the Moon
Dragon's Domain
(23 October 1975)
The Last Sunset
Mission of the Darians
(30 October 1975)
Alpha Child
Black Sun
(6 November 1975)
Death's Other Dominion
Guardian of Piri
(13 November 1975)
Force of Life
End of Eternity
(20 November 1975)
Guardian of Piri
Matter of Life and Death
(27 November 1975)
The Troubled Spirit
(4 December 1975)
The Last Enemy
The Full Circle
(11 December 1975)
Collision Course
Another Time, Another Place
(18 December 1975)
Dragon's Domain
The Last Sunset
(1 January 1976)
The Full Circle
The Infernal Machine
(8 January 1976)
Mission of the Darians
Ring Around the Moon
(15 January 1976)
End of Eternity
Missing Link
(22 January 1976)
War Games
Space Brain
(29 January 1976)
The Infernal Machine
The Troubled Spirit
(5 February 1976)
Another Time, Another Place
The Testament of Arkadia
(12 February 1976)
Space Brain
The Last Enemy
(19 February 1976)
The Testament of Arkadia


  1. Catacomb character guide lists birth year as 1967[1]
  2. Catacomb character guide states this happened to three subjects.[1]


Season 1
Breakaway I Earthbound I Black Sun I Missing Link I Voyager's Return I Matter of Life and Death I Ring Around the Moon I The Last Sunset I Alpha Child I Death's Other Dominion I Force of Life I Guardian of Piri I The Troubled Spirit I The Last Enemy I Collision Course I Dragon's Domain I The Full Circle I Mission of the Darians I End of Eternity I War Games I The Infernal Machine I Another Time, Another Place I Space Brain I The Testament of Arkadia
Episodes are listed in the order suggested by Andrew Kearley.