Moonbase Alpha Wiki

Medical Centre is the main operation area for Moonbase Alpha's Medical staff.

Medical encompasses the physician and nursing staff, plus medical orderlies and laboratory technicians—twenty-five persons in all.[1] (Scientific and support personnel can be drawn from the Research Section as needed.) The main tasks of Medical Section are to maintain the physical and psychological health of all Alpha personnel, and to carry out experimentation upon all factors affecting humans residing in space, i.e. human life-science and psychology experiments.

The section chief is Doctor Helena Russell, assisted by Doctor Bob Mathias, Doctor Ben Vincent, Doctor Ed Spencer and Doctor Raul Nunez. As the practitioners of an isolated community, these five physcians have many specialities between them—space medicine,[2] psychiatry, obstetrics and gynecology,[3] neurology and neurosurgery,[4] cardiology and cardiac-organ transplant,[5] infectious disease,[6] ophthalmology,[7] pathology,[8] emergency medicine and trauma surgery.

Medical maintains "stretcher teams"[9] for internal first aid emergencies, while "Medical Rescue Units"[10] perform the same function on space missions. There is also a "surgical team"[11] of doctors to deal with life-threatening injuries.

Central Computer monitors the physiological health of the entire Alpha population via wrist monitors worn by every individual staff member.[12] In the event of high physiological stress[13] or death [14] of a staff member, Computer will offer a verbal and hardcopy warning to the medical staff on duty.

